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The goal of this 30-day challenge is to keep us engaged and connected during this strange time. It is important that we stay active and productive whether we are working from home or in the office. As a bonus, we hope to incorporate small healthy activities into every aspect of your life, including diet, physical activity, sleep quality, stress management and more! 

This Challenge will run April 8 - May 8, 2020.

Each day you will aim to complete one or two activities from the list provided. Some of these activites will come more naturally to you than others, which is why you can only count each activity twice for the duration of the challenge! Ultimately, we hope you find healthy activities that you can incorporate into your daily habits. 

This challenge will be on the honor system and will not require you to link your fitness devices. (we'll have some like that in the future). 

A Workplace group has been set up dedicated to this challenge so that you can share your successes, healthy tips, boredom busters, recipes, motivation and support. As they say, we're all in this together. Let's take care of ourselves the best that we can and support each other along the way!

Let the challenge begin - and may the odds be ever in your favor!

Your MB FIT Team