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Minutes to Win It Challenge

The Department of Health and Human Services recommends that American adults engage in moderate intensity aerobic exercise for 150-300 minutes each week to promote heart, lung, bone, joint, and even brain health. With so many ways to get moving, the Department of Wellness is challenging CHS faculty, staff, and residents to sit less and move more by hosting the Minutes to Win It Challenge!

Dates: April 4th - 30th

Challenge Description:

Whether you choose to walk, swim, cycle, lift weights, or attend a group fitness class, the number of minutes you're active each day count in the Minutes to Win It Challenge! From April 4th - 30th, challenge participants will compete against their department members to reach the highest number of active minutes within their work group. The department member with the most active minutes at the end of the challenge will then have the opportunity to compete in Minute to Win It games to win prizes and swag from the Department of Wellness.


Each department who wishes to participate in the Minutes to Win It Challenge must create a team. Department members will then compete against members of their own team for the highest number of active minutes. To create a team, complete the following steps:

  • The first team member to register will need to create a new team for others to join. If your team has already been created, skip to the next step.
    • Select Create New Team. Enter your team’s name.
    • Select Save.
  • Scroll through the list of teams to find your team’s name.
    • Select your team. Click Save.

Syncing a Fitness Tracker:

The Minutes to Win It Challenge uses fitness trackers to track and record the number of minutes participants engage in physical activity each day. To sync a fitness tracker, complete the following steps:

  • Login to your osuchs.challengerunner.com account. Click the Profile link at the top of the homepage, then select the Tracker.
  • Select your fitness tracker from the dropdown list.
  • Notes dialogue box will pop-up next to the drop-down list. Follow its prompts to sync your tracker.
  • Once the device is authorized, you must ensure to connect your device to the activity tracker's website at least once per day in order to sync data.

Manual Entry:

You may also choose to track your active minutes using a timer, piece of fitness equipment, or an unsupported tracker as you exercise and log your active minutes manually. To manually enter your active minutes, complete the following steps:

Challenge Runner Website:

  1. Login to osuchs.challengerunner.com. Locate the Active Minutes line under the Minutes to Win It Challenge
  2. Enter the number of steps taken each day into the box to the right.

Challenge Runner App:

  1. Select the Minutes to Win It Challenge
  2. Select the Active Minutes
  3. Enter the number of steps you take every day of the challenge.