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17 November 2016 is the day that all smokers are challenged to quit for a day, during the "Great American Smokeout."

Earn points by:

Not smoking (even if it's only for the day)

Find out about how to quit, if you need to: "https://smokefree.gov/veterans" target="_blank" >https://smokefree.gov/veterans

Learning how to help someone quit: "https://www.ucanquit2.org/HowToQuit/ResourceLibrary/QuittingTips/HelpSomeoneQuit.aspx" target="_blank" target="_blank" >https://www.ucanquit2.org/HowToQuit/ResourceLibrary/QuittingTips/HelpSomeoneQuit.aspx

Learn about military resources for smoking cessation: "http://health.mil/Military-Health-Topics/Operation-Live-Well/Focus-Areas/TobaccoFree-Living" target="_blank" target="_blank" >http://health.mil/Military-Health-Topics/Operation-Live-Well/Focus-Areas/TobaccoFree-Living  

Learn about other smoke-free initiatives: "http://www.acscan.org/tobacco" target="_blank" target="_blank" >http://www.acscan.org/tobacco