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Field LabelField TypeData EntryFrequency


The Challenge

This challenge is designed to focus on wellness from multiple angles that reach beyond just physical wellness. These areas of wellness include: Physical, Hydration, Nutrition, Sleep, and Mental Wellness.


Physical = Did you spend intentional time being active today? E.g. Running, lifting weights, brisk walking, yoga, playing tennis, etc.

Hydration = Did you hit your water goal? Everyone’s water goal is different, but maybe you drank 3 glasses of water today compared to a typical day where you might not drink any water. Or maybe you replaced one soda with a glass of water. Nutrition experts suggest that you should drink half your body weight in oz, for example if you weigh 150lbs you would need to drink 75oz per day 150/2=75.

Nutrition = Set a nutrition goal (or 2) for yourself. Did you hit that today? E.g. you consumed 5-7 servings of fruits and veggies, or you had no sugar, or no junk food, etc.

Sleep = 7-9 hours of sleep last night

Mental = intentional time meditating, reading, journaling, etc.



Each day you have the potential to earn 1 point per wellness activity totaling 5 points a day. Therefore, the max points you can earn in a 7-day week is 35 points. Each week the individual with the highest number of points for that week will be our winner and have the chance to pick a prize from our wellness catalog! If we have multiple winners in a single week we will draw a winner from a hat. Each person can only win once.


Point Tracking

Points will be logged and tracked in our challenge runner app, and everything will need to be done manually. Once you have joined the challenge (link below) you will need to manually select if you have completed activities each day.