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Each of these challenge templates are available in ChallengeRunner to quick-start your setup process. Simply select the Copy and edit a pre-existing challenge from our database option when creating your new challenge.


Field LabelField TypeData EntryFrequency


Welcome to the Walk30 Challenge!

You have joined a friendly competition between the City of Burnaby and the City of New Westminster to see which municipality’s residents can walk the most minutes!

The Walk30 Challenge aims to inspire people to walk more to improve mental health and overall wellness, make connections with their local community, and to rethink how we get around. Participants from each municipality log their walking minutes from April 11 - May 15, 2022 on the Challenge Runner platform. As a participant, you may use a watch or a fitness device to keep track of your daily walking minutes before logging them in this platform, and watch your municipality tally add up over the course of the challenge!

Recording your minutes

In order to receive data from tracking devices, each participant must first install the appropriate software and create an account on the activity tracker's (Challenge Runner) website. Every participant must then authorize ChallengeRunner.com to capture individual data as follows:

  • Remember, Walk30 only sync MINUTES. Make sure your device (Garmin, Apple Watch…) it is set as “Walking”. It won’t keep track of other activities, or without activity recording. Only walking! 

The Walk30 Challenge will run for five weeks. You can check prizes and awards on our website.

Using Challenge Runner

  • On the leaderboard, participants are able to see where they stand in relation to other participants without seeing their names. 
  • Devices should be synced every day; however, participants may take up to seven days after the log date to sync data.

Although activity trackers are supported, they are not required. Participants may enter their own data using the ChallengeRunner website or ChallengeRunner smartphone apps.

Feel free to get in touch with us at walk30@best.bc.ca for any questions or more information on the challenge.

We need to ask for your permission; so, please read the following, and then click on the REGISTER NOW button to continue to the ChallengeRunner tool.

The Cities of Burnaby and New Westminster in partnership with Better Environmentally Sound Transportation is making ChallengeRunner available to you for the Walk30-Burnaby-NewWest Project in a voluntary capacity. Please note that any personal information you disclose while using ChallengeRunner is stored on servers located in the United States and as such is subjected to U.S. Law. No personal information will be shared with the following partnering agencies: City of Burnaby, City of New Westminster and the New Westminster Walkers’ Caucus. If you choose to use this App, your personal information will be used for the purposes of operating (or, “administering”) the activity and communicate about upcoming Walk30 challenges by the Better Environmentally Sound Transportation and ChallengeRunner. You may wish to review the ChallengeRunner privacy policy for more information before using this App.


By registering for the event on ChallengeRunner you are consenting to the collection of your personal information in this manner and for the purposes described above and accessed outside Canada. Should you have any questions about the collection, use or