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4 February 2019

Welcome to the MOCK AF/MSC Challenge!

This challenge is based on a point system. Answer questions that apply to you each day to achieve health points! Most daily points will award you 1 point and others labeled (2X) are double points!

The goal of this challenge is to obtain the highest amount of health points out of ALL participants. If you have a tracker device (Apple, Garmin, FitBit, etc.) you can link your device to this program - For every 5,000 steps, you receive 1 point!

The link for the RealAge Health Quiz worth double points is "https://www.sharecare.com/static/realage-test" target="_blank" >https://www.sharecare.com/static/realage-test

The link for the Resiliency Quiz worth double points is "https://www.resiliencyquiz.com/index.shtml" target="_blank" >https://www.resiliencyquiz.com/index.shtml  

The "Comments" section is available to ask questions and give
feedback - It is also a great motivational tool that can be used throughout
the course of the challenge!

Thank you for your participation and GOOD LUCK!