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All About Fitness Healthy Lifestyle Challenge

Dates: October 6th– November 23rd


Are you looking for a kickstart to a healthy lifestyle with friendly competition?  Perhaps you need a little more motivation to get you started. Join the All About Fitness Healthy Lifestyle Challenge and make a goal to live healthier starting today!


How Do I Begin?

Join us on Tuesday, October 1stfor the All About Fitness Healthy Lifestyle Challenge kickoff!  Participate in fun mini-challenges with other participants. Learn about meal planning keys to success.  Set a fitness goal and find (or confirm) your accountability partner. 


How Do I Play?

  • Step 1: Attend the Challenge Kickoff on October 1stat 6:15PM, Powhatan Park 
  • Step 2: Register for the challenge using the following credentials. You can also download the Challenge Runner app from your app store.


Invitation URL: "../enroll/34c5re-1pwr" target="_blank" target="_blank" target="_blank" target="_blank" target="_blank" target="_blank" target="_blank" target="_blank" target="_blank" >https://www.ChallengeRunner.com/enroll/34c5re-1pwr

Challenge Code: 34c5re-1pwr


  • Step 3: Set a fitness goal, share it with your accountability partner and enter into the Challenge Runner site.
  • Step 4: Decide how you will have your progress monitored throughout the challenge.You can decide between body composition, strength, or endurance.  
  • Step 5: Begin logging your daily and weekly activities.


How Do I Get Points?

Standard Points

            5 Points           Log Your Fitness Goal (one time point logged by admin)

            5 Points           Decide your monitoring method (weight loss, endurance, and/or strength)

            1 Point             Set your meal plan for the week (1 point/week)

            1+ Points         Every 20 oz of water gains 1 point (daily points - max 150 oz/day)

            1+ Points         Earn points each day that you execute your meal plan (daily points)

            5 Points           Earn 5 points for each day that you complete at least 30 minutes of                                           high intensity exercise (up to 20 points per week)


Bonus Points– Complete the Power Up Thursday challenge activity to gain between 3-5 bonus points each week.  Pay close attention!  These bonus points are only available for 24 hours each week!  Additional bonus points are available when you max out your water consumption and go above and beyond the exercise goals for the week.


NOTE: All activities must be logged within 48 hours to earn points.


What can I win?

  • Prizes and recognition will are awarded for the top team and top 3 participants
  • 1st Place indivial winner receives an All About Fitness customized shirt
  • 2nd & 3rdPlace winners will receive a gift card
  • Winning team will also receive a prize